MITOS SALAH KAPRAH, BBM Oktan tinggi = tambah tenaga???

BBM oktan tinggi = tambah tenaga???

Kebanyakan yg kita tahu oktan BBM makin tinggi makin bagus, hal tsb adalah mitos yg salah.

RON BBM yg digunakan harus sesuai dg kompresi mesin, pasokan bensin oktan tinggi bisa berujung mesin malah ngelitik akibat terlalu panas! Jadi ngelitik (knocking) bukan saja krn RON yg rendah... tp RON yg terlampau tinggi jauh diatas kebutuhan mesin pun menyebabkan knocking yg hasilnya power loss.

Makanya harus perhatikan dan cermati kompresi mesin dan pakai bensin dg RON yg sesuai, krn disitulah power mesin yg sebenarnya tersembunyi.

Rasio Kompresi / Angka oktan / Jenis Bensin
7:1 - 9:1 / RON 88 / Premium
9:1 - 10:1 / RON 92 / Pertamax
10:1 - 11:1 / RON 95 / Pertamax Plus

Jadi kalo pakai premium (RON 88) dg additif u/ peningkat RON maka pastikan tidak berlebihan terlampau jauh dari RON yg dibutuhkan mesin, krn hal tsb pemborosan dan menyebabkan performa menjadi tidak maximal dan berujung ngelitik/knocking shg terjadi power loss.

[Chris ~ Monza Autosport]

Chassis welding completed, time for some blasting and paint.

Welded up the chassis this past weekend, towed it to a friends shop (thats my friend in the pic holding the jeep YJ steering wheel) and went to town welding everything together, even got to patching some previous rust damage and got the rear subframe burned in as well. Will keep it short and let the pictures do all the talking.

After falling behind, finally getting back into this.

I'm trying to get back into this, after helping a friend out with his project it put the fire back under my ass to work on mine.

This weekend I will be taking it up to my friends place to do the final welding burn-in before sending the chassis out to be sandblasted. Currently I'm just finishing up the test fitting of the engine in the new tube rear end, plus doing a quick test fit of the rear clip and building/welding on the body mount clips.

Not going to bore with tons of typing, posting up the pics with more to come after the weekend.